1. The lying bench leg raise hits your lower abdominal muscles. Set up for the exercise by getting a flat bench and positioning it to give enough room for your legs to extend out over one end.
  2. Sit on the bench with your buttocks close to one end and lay back.
  3. Grasp the bench at head height for stability. Extend your legs straight out level with your body, keeping your knees and feet together. This is the starting position for the movement.
  4. Bending at the hips only, slowly raise your legs up until they are pointing straight up.
  5. Do not pause, and immediately slowly lower your legs back to the starting position.
  6. Repeat for desired reps.

​Leg Raise Tips:

  1. Do not swing your legs. Use your abs to move your legs and not momentum.
  2. Keep your legs and knees together, and don't let your feet drop below the height of the bench.

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